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Annie's Blogs


My goal for 20% Time today was to find out more materials that we could use to create nicer phone cases, as well as new marketing techniques for selling our phone cases and promoting our newly created business, Cases 4 Cancer. The products and materials that we have found and use to customize our phone cases include glass and plastic-sticking paint, plastic and clear phone cases, studs (which we glue onto the cases), and artificial flowers which we also would glue on the cases. When combining these materials, we were able to create very appealing and colorful phone cases. We new that with the given materials, there were a limit to how many different looking phone cases we could make until we ran out of ideas, so we new we needed to expand our comfort zone from materials we were used to using to different looks we had yet to experiment with. We had tried using magazine clippings to create a case, but we encountered several problems, ex. the paper getting very soggy from the mod-podge we used to glue our materials to the case. This was a minor bump in the road, and we decided that we would look for other types of cases to experiment with, and in the future find an alternative way to create a phone case from the magazine clippings. Other examples of the new materials I came across were buttons, pressed flowers, lace, and charms and trinkets. In the near future I can say we will begin to use these materials to add on to the appeal of our phone cases and have fun experimenting with them. I did not have time to look at potential marketing techniques, so I will make that a goal for my next friday of 20% time. 











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